Sunday, 27 May 2012

Roy Marne 2011

Released date: September 23, 2011
Episodes: 15
Genre: Drama, Revenge, Comedy, Romanc, Slap-kiss


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A lankorn about two people who hate each other but are forced into marrying each other. Bee (Margie Rasri Balenciaga) is forced into marrying Mark (Boy Pakorn Chatborirak) because the bride, Bee's cousin is missing. Bee had to take her cousin's place to pay for  her uncle's debt to the groom's father. The missing bride was apparently kidnapped, assaulted,and got pregnant by their childhood friend.

 This is an interesting drama where dark secrets are unfold and love begins despite the unexpected situation. Will the groom go back to his bride or will he stay with his wife?


Watch with english sub:
